November Monthly Review: What Happened?

Hello there,

It has been a while since I’ve been here. It’s like coming back to your childhood home after it has been abandoned for many years due to an apocalypse. Can you picture it?

Everything is grey and dreary, the grass is waist high, broken and boarded up windows, cobwebs in the corners, the structure of the house starting to deteriorate.

That’s kind of how this whole month has felt, like a post apocalyptic world. Except it wasn’t a zombie apocalypse, it was an AI apocalypse where everyone is stuck in a virtual world, kind of like the movie “Player One”.

There is an argument to be made that this AI apocalypse has already started. The algorithms on social medias like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram know how to keep the attention of the user for hours without them realizing it.

For this reason I don’t keep these apps on my phone. When I do want to use them, I have to download them, which adds in an extra step – more friction. This helps so I don’t mindlessly scroll, but when I have decided to go on Instagram for fifteen minutes, it somehow turns into an hour or two.

And that was the theme of this November – wasting time on social media and getting sucked in by the algorithms.

November: What Happened?

The last few weeks of November have felt like I’ve been in a trance. I got practically nothing done and wasted most of my time on YouTube.

I blame the fact that I had a two week “break” from working. This “break” was really my seasonal job ending and waiting to hear back about other winter seasonal jobs. It was a non-voluntary break and I wasn’t sure exactly what I was doing for the winter yet, so it was a bit stressful of a time.

While that definitely didn’t help my case, it shouldn’t have had such a big impact. Not only did I waste a lot of my time, but it also ruined a lot of my habits that I will have to get back on track in the coming weeks.

Luckily, I start work back up this Monday, December 2nd. Having something holding me accountable to occupy my time and get me working helps with my motivation for other things as well.

Seems counter intuitive that using energy to work would provide me with more energy, but like many things I believe it is an inverted U curve ( like a lowercase n).

The Y axis is energy level and the X axis is amount of work. On both extremes on the X axis there is no energy, but somewhere in the middle there is the perfect amount of work that gives me the max amount of energy.

That’s where work comes in, without anything to do, I will do nothing. Somedays I am sure I will be on both sides of the graph, working too little and working too much, but many days I will be somewhere in the middle.

Hopeful for December

December is a new month and I will be starting work back up again. I am excited to get back into the grind, get back to my habits, and get back on the money saving train.

Not much more for me to say. My goals are pretty much the same as last month, do all my daily habits, save some money, and get in good shape.

I’ve been putting together my indoor bike trainer and hitting the gym. It’s time for the winter arc – get strong and fit.

See you next month and next Friday!






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